The girls have this little thing they do that I wish I could get a
video of, but since it's always too dark and you're trying to get them
to go to sleep, it just wouldn't work. If you put them down to sleep,
sometimes you hear them start to play in the monitor. Anna has only
ever gotten out of her crib and into Cara's crib once,
on the first night we changed her crib to a toddler bed. Since then,
she has stayed in her own bed like she's supposed to (as far as I know,
Anyway, if you hear them playing after you put them down, they're
both probably still in their beds. Cara will just be standing in her
crib talking to Anna, and Anna will be standing or sitting up in her bed
talking back, and both giggling over who knows what. When you open the
door, they immediately know why you're back in there - you almost don't
even have to say a word. Both of them will literally freeze wherever
they are in their beds, and immediately flop down into a laying down
position (no matter how uncomfortable it looks), as if you had just
emitted some magical burst of power that sapped them of all muscle
control which would have allowed them to continue standing or sitting
up. It's hard to describe other than to say it looks like they just
fall dead as soon as you open the door. It's pretty funny, though.
The picture in this entry, by the way, is completely unrelated to
this story. Cara had been sitting on the couch next to Papa Nick. I
was taking a couple pictures of her. Anna saw this, stopped playing with her
PlayDough, and had to come over so I would take a picture of her. So there she is saying "cheese!!"
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