Church of the Annunciation |
This is Part 7 of my account of our tour to Israel with
The National Christian Choir.
This entry begins with our visit to the Church of the Annunciation,
then to Beit Shean, Jericho, and finally arriving in Jerusalem with a
stopover in Bethlehem. To start at the beginning,
click here. All my Israel pictures and videos are in the photo gallery under
Vacations and Trips, then
2008 Israel.
Day 5 - Church of the Annunciation
We started out the day by visiting the Church of the Annunciation,
which is the traditional site where the angel appeared to Mary and
announced that she would give birth to Jesus. I have to say that I was
impressed with the churches that they built on many of the traditional
sites. I thought they were beautiful, and they were also great places
for our group of 300 to sing in. Since this was where Jesus' name was
announced, we sang
Holy is His Name by John Michael Talbot - a very nice choral arrangement that sounded fantastic in this church.
Church of the Annunciation |
Church of the Annunciation |
Stained glass windows in the Church of the Annunciation |
Looking up at the dome in the Church of the Annunciation |
Traditional site of the annunciation to Mary |
As she was walking us out of the church, our guide, Gila, threw her
gum away in the ashtray that was by the exit. Then about 5 steps
outside the door, it hit her as strange that the Church of the
Annunciation would have an ashtray inside the sanctuary. Then she
stopped in her tracks and ran back inside to retrieve her gum, which she
had discarded into the bowl of "holy water."
Cool-looking building outside the Church of the Annunciation |
I took a picture of this building just outside the church on this
narrow, cobblestone street because I thought it looked neat. Reminded
me of something you'd see in a movie set overseas.
Day 5 - Beit Shean
From the church, we went to the ruins of Beit Shean, which is
mentioned in the book of Joshua and is Israel's best example of how
Jerusalm looked in Jesus' time. Again, I did not think ruins would be
interesting to me, but they really were. With a little imagination, you
could envision the buildings along the main street. There was a very
large hill, or tel. Gila told us that there were at least 13 different
civilizations buried in the hill (remember it was common for a city to
be built, destroyed, buried, then later on rebuilt on the same site).
The main street in Beit Shean |
The tel at Beit Shean - at least 13 civilizations are buried within it |
Dave at Beit Shean |
I wish I could remember who it was, but our guide told us that some
prominent Bible character was killed and his body hung on one of these
pillars. I think that it may have been Samson. Someone will have to
correct me if they remember.
Beit Shean also has the remains of a large Roman amphitheater. The
stage floor was rebuilt, as well as portions of some of the columns.
Sitting in the seats, it was easy to imagine how grand the theater must
have looked - tall, clean, polished, full of spectators…
Roman theater in Beit Shean |
Roman theater in Beit Shean |
Roman theater in Beit Shean |
Day 5 - Jericho
We got on the bus and headed for Jericho, which was a good hour
away. This was also the first time on the trip that we ventured into
Palestinian territory. We were warned not to take pictures at the
security crossings as neither side particularly appreciates it (you'll
see though, that I snapped one or two very discreetly, because I
couldn't resist). We were to have our passports ready in case a soldier
boarded the bus, and if he asks anything, simply answer his question in
as few words as possible, and don't offer anything more unless asked
directly about it.
Crossing security checkpoint into the West Bank |
As we drove from Jewish-controlled Israel into the West Bank, I
noticed a distinct change in the landscape. We used to be among lush,
mountainous, green fields - very pretty. After we crossed into the West
Bank, everything seem to dry up. Everything started turning brown,
looking dry and barren. There were still plenty of hills - and valleys,
hills and valleys, hills and valleys. It gave me a real appreciation
for what it meant for someone to travel this country on foot or on
donkey - the terrain is very difficult and unforgiving. I couldn't help
but wonder if the Palestinians got stuck with the crappy part of the
country, and that's why they're so ticked.
Mount of Temptation |
Looking down on Jericho, a true oasis in the midst of the desert |
This is a picture of the mountain where it is said Jesus wandered on
for 40 days, being tempted by the devil. Next to it is a view of
Jericho, which is believed to be the oldest and lowest city on earth.
Notice how it is lush green and full of life - a true oasis in the
middle of the desert. And let me tell you - it was hot, HOT,
in Jericho. Dear Lord, it was hot. It gave me an appreciation for how
strong one of the temptations would have been for Jesus, when after
wandering on that barren mountain in the hot desert for so long, the
devil said he would "give" him "all of this," talking about this
refreshing oasis.
Ruins of a wall at Jericho built to control flash floods |
Ruins of a wall at Jericho built to control flash floods |
Apparently flash floods happen regularly in the desert here when it
rains. There was a ruin of a wall or fort that was built to protect the
city from the floods and divert the water. The Arabs here were
actually very friendly and courteous - not sure what I was expecting. I
still felt an overall unease from simply being in Palestinian
territory, though. Not because of anything that happened, but just
because of my perception from the media coming in.
Harry giving a talk at Jericho |
What's this? A camel for rent at a gas station outside Jericho? |
Dad and Dave at Jericho |
Nothing interesting happened to our bus at the checkpoints crossing
into/from Palestinian territory, probably due in part to the fact our
bus driver was Palestinian. I was a little disappointed - I was hoping
for a good story. But one of the other buses had one. They were
boarded, and the soldier asked to see someone's passport. Some genius
asked him if "that gun was real," at which several other geniuses
laughed. The soldier then made the entire bus get out, line up, and they
checked all of their passports.
One kind of sobering thing we noticed, though, was that our guide,
who is Jewish, had to be dropped off before we went into Jericho, for
her own safety. No Israeli citizens are currently allowed to enter
Palestinian-controlled territories. We picked her back up after we left
Day 5 - Arriving in Jerusalem / Bethlehem
After leaving Jericho, we drove up, up, up towards Jerusalem. We saw
the gold dome on the Temple Mount for the first time, which was neat -
we'd only ever seen it on TV or in pictures before. We passed by the
walls of the Old City, which we would be touring later on.
The gold dome on the Temple Mount comes into view from the bus |
Passing by Hebrew University, where several people were killed by a Jewish shooter days before our tour |
A Jewish family walks outside the walls of the Old City |
View of some of the more modern buildings in Jerusalem |
We went into Bethlehem after driving a bit through Jerusalem. As you
can see from the pics below, Bethlehem is controlled by the
Palestinians, so we had to go through another security crossing. Gila
once again had to get off the bus before we entered, and a Christian
Palestinian guide took her place on the other side. It was sad to see a
very large wall being built right through Jerusalem, to physically
separate the Palestinian side from the Jewish side. Things were
definitely dirtier on the Palestinian side - again it felt a bit
uncomfortable. Especially with the graffiti (see the dove picture
Sign just before reaching the checkpoint into Bethlehem warning Israeli citizens not to enter |
A somewhat disturbing piece of graffiti in Bethlehem |
Security checkpoint at Bethlehem |
Once we parked the bus, we started walking towards the Church of the
Nativity, the traditional site where Jesus was born. On the way, we
could look down onto the shepherds' fields - Bethlehem itself sits
pretty high on a hill. As usual, there were lots of peddlers around. I
normally ignored them, but I just could not say no to a little
Palestinian girl with big brown eyes that was selling little wooden,
hand-carved camels for a dollar. I ignored the boy next to her just
Looking down from Bethlehem at some of the shepherds' fields |
Outside the Church of the Nativity |
Dad crouching through the tiny, tiny door into the Church of the Nativity |
After getting my souvenir, we arrived at the Church of the Nativity.
There is a relatively large square outside where we gathered before
heading inside, through a really tiny doorway. I mean, really small. I
think our guide said it was built that way to make it harder for
soldiers on horses to get inside quickly, for some reason. I really got
sick of the peddlers at this point, though - they swarmed the square
peddling their junk. But I guess it's no different today than it was
back then.
Inside the Church of the Nativity |
Waiting, and more waiting, inside the Church of the Nativity |
Inside the Church of the Nativity |
After the extraordinarily long wait, we finally arrived at the door
to the manger area. I have to say, for one of the defining
(traditional) sites of Christianity, seeing the manger was decidedly
anti-climactic and disappointing. We were rushed in and rushed out,
barely given time to get a picture, and given no time to even reflect on
the whole idea of being there. But here are the pictures I managed to
take as I was whisked through:
Once inside, we waited, and waited, and waited, with hundreds of
other people inside this church, for our peek at the traditional spot
where Jesus was born. I think we must have waited 2 hours, at least.
And people were pushy, cutting in line - not what you'd expect from a
crowd of supposedly mostly Christians waiting to see the place of Jesus'
birth, but whatever.
Entrance to the manger |
The traditional spot of Jesus' birth, represented by the star on the floor |
Day 5 - Checking in to the Regency Hotel in Jerusalem
After the long day, we finally went to the hotel and checked in.
This was, I think, the nicest of all the hotels we stayed at. Very
large, very clean, very modern. Large dining room which our group
filled up.
The Regency in Jerusalem |
The Regency in Jerusalem |
Dave and his bus buddy Lillian, who's from Chicago |
In my next entry, I'll cover the next day of our tour, which included
our visit to the Mount of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, the Upper Room,
and the shepherds' fields. Until next time!
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